Hello folks! It’s Matthew. It’s been a while since I’ve made an announcement, I know.
You may have noticed that we put Searching for The Cottingley Fairies on our banner. There’s a simple reason for this: Kim Malinowski has been nominated for a Rhysling Award and her work is making an appearance in their anthology. If you don’t know what any of that is, click the links.
We don’t want to steal too much credit from Kim, as she was the one who wrote the awesome poem. Nonetheless you’ll notice that 92 publications are cited at the bottom of the page, and we are now one of them, listed alongside publications like Asimov’s Science Fiction and Strange Horizons. Needless to say, we’re pretty proud. Thank you Kim for sharing your success with us, and keep writing great poems.
Second, we have a new intern!

Cerid Jones comes to us from New Zealand, and is excited about working with us. You should see a bio for her in our “about us” page soon. She’ll be helping us with graphic design, social media, and other important tasks. We’re already blown away with her qualifications, and you should be “hearing” more from her in the future. (Hint Hint).
Thank you for reading! We hope to keep the publications coming into the forseeable future, and we thank you for all the years that you’ve been reading!