Featured posts
Desiccation Daze by Marla Dial Moore
“I used to believe / in water– / even when the world / told me blood / is thicker…” – excerpt from Dessication Daze, a …
Field on Butternut by Max Newman
“We could have climbed into the moon. Instead / we biked in the metalshadows beneath Ohioan / hills everything hung still in the air” – …
The Memory House by Maddison Scott
“I sit beside [my mother], pull out a bag of chips and open a word puzzle on my phone. She reaches over and places her …
Seeing the Eclipse at Sheetz by Eleanor Levine
“Seeing the Eclipse at Sheetz / Is perfect for a working class / girl like me” – excerpt from Seeing the Eclipse at Sheetz, a …
Fugal Variations of a Marital Theme by Utkarsh Adhrit
[1358 words] She is throwing me one of her juridical glances. You know: observe, record, and store for further use. She has her new beige …
Captive Monsters Sleeping by Michelle R. Brady
[2539 words] Camp Bucca, Iraq, 2003— The tantal was there before we were. Mesopotamia was one of the earliest civilizations on Earth, so it was …
December Rain by Subarna Mohanty
You had a watch that was blue and brown at the same time. When I told you that, on an April afternoon when we were …
Micro Poetry by David A. Goodrum
[34 words] DirectionA mottled leaf caughtin the cement slab gappoints home. Measuring with Both Handshandfuls hand-picked with love from our …
Dadless by Elise Glassman
[352 words] Dad was on his way.Dad was on his way, said, Trust me, Elise. Said stop your bellyaching, said …
Micro Poetry by Mykyta Ryzhykh
body to tree, wood to body,metal nails for fingernails:the sun warms the crucifix. Babel letters sprout in the spring garden …
The Metaworker Podcast | 022 Creating Anthologies, Part 3
Elena, Mel, and Cerid discuss Mel’s launch of River and Stone and Cerid’s updates for Artificial Sweetener, as well as the thought and care that …
The Metaworker Podcast | 021 Creating Anthologies, Part 2
Elena, Mel, and Cerid discuss publishing software, fostering communities, marketing plans, and their hopes for their publications. #TheMetaworker #ForgeFriday …
The Metaworker Podcast | 020 Creating Anthologies, Part 1
In this podcast episode, Elena talks with Mel and Cerid about their upcoming anthology projects outside of The Metaworker. They discuss how the projects got …
The Metaworker Podcast | 019 Pushcart Prize Nominees, Part 2
In this two-part series, we celebrate our Pushcart Prize nominees. This episode features @coopd88, @FrankNjugi, and Linda Lacey. #TheMetaworker #PushcartPrize …
Your Scent by Erin Jamieson
“I trace your name in morning shadows.” – excerpt from “Your Scent”, micro fiction by Erin Jamieson @erin_simmer #MetaworkerMonday #TheMetaworker …
Closer to the Sky by Carolyn R. Russell
“You want the memory to serve you somehow, to mean something that you can make sense of…” excerpt from Closer …
Motel Soap by Bonnie Brewer-Kraus
“I love the little pink soap in its shiny white wrapper that I place on the gleaming porcelain sink of …
Numbers by Kathryn D. Temple
[1,372 words] [ I. ] At 4 months, a baby in the womb is 6 and a half to 7 inches long. 7 inches is …
Walking the Parks by Seth Wright
I stood on the hill gazing down at Pinkerton Park in Franklin, Tennessee, my camera aiming at each piece of the park below: the wooden …
Suckers by Campbell Brown
My mouth tastes like chemicals, like how a Spirit Halloween smells. The cheap coffin packaging comes with a little powder you have to mix to …
Walking the Parks by Seth Wright
I stood on the hill gazing down at Pinkerton Park in Franklin, Tennessee, my camera aiming at each piece of …
Art Dept by Sean Bw Parker
Watercolour, acrylic, pencil and ink on canvas Artist’s note: Art Dept. was painted shortly before the [COVID-19] lockdown struck, in …
Grey Autumn by Katie Hughbanks
photograph, shot on Olympus T6 Tough Artist’s Note: Humans are inextricably linked to nature, regardless of how separate from the …
Looking Back to Forge Forward: A Catchup Series by Lena Bramsen
“An interview compilation with some of The Metaworker’s first contributors, reflecting upon the past and updating us on their careers.” …
Profile: Jeremy Bock
Jeremy Bock is a West Virginia native and technologist currently expatting Bangkok with his wife and daughter. His novel, Caroline, …
Meet Melissa Reynolds!
Hey everyone! We told you that we have big plans for this publication and here’s one of them. We took …
Speculative Fiction & Poetry
Parteada por el Fuego / Twice Born by E. N. Díaz
“The smell of trash dripping days in the sun / stains the air with its yellow gunk.” – excerpt from …
Bananas by Jared Cole
“She couldn’t believe it. She looked down at her hands, examining them, turning them back to front and back again.” …
The Season of Solitude by Jenn Haase Vetter
“Like the Man, she appeared oblivious to the absence of walls. Standing in my usual spot observing the house, I …
Not Done Yet by Nancy Noelke
The awe of still being here when odds ride shotgun on the sickle edgebut for one black ice spinoutone errant cell there, andone more friend …
“typoem” by Michael Betancourt
Artist’s note: I am a Cuban-American artist who is better known from my work with digital video and Glitch Art. These poems are something new …
“The Refusal” by Lock Howe
Lock Howe grew up in rural Tennessee in a conservative, Baptist area. Raised atheist and liberal, Lock struggled with feelings of isolation and confusion, themes …
“crickets, tell me that” by April Yu
the night has not stolen the taste and shape of my grass-drowned flesh. after all, your croaks already drink the …
“Little Gem Magnolia” by Paul Rabinowitz
I In an old cafe on Frenchmen Street in The Faubourg Marigny, a ceiling fan churns, throwing dust into the …
“Obliviol” by Jason A. Bartles
INTERIOR FAMILY HOME – EVENING ADULT, any conscious human, late 20s to mid-30s, watching television in a beautiful suburban home …