[113 words]
Seeing the Eclipse at Sheetz
Is perfect for a working class
girl like me who drinks Diet
Coke and cheeseburgers and
gets inexpensive gas and lets
men who are also afraid of
driving through the eclipse
open the door for her while
employees get their eclipse
glasses out and say it’s “getting
dimmer out there,” and I think
of my friend Lisa B who
loves Sheetz and there is no
better place to avoid blindness.
It’s also where my ex-girlfriend
lives so I hope she does not think
I’m stalking her because I’d
rather not see her grin in the
midst of all this heightened
excitement, so I avoid
the sun’s scowls
and her heightened
of me.
Eleanor Levine‘s writing has appeared in more than 130 publications, including New World Writing Quarterly, the Evergreen Review, The Hollins Critic, Gertrude, and the Maryland Literary Review. Her poetry collection, Waitress at the Red Moon Pizzeria, was published by Unsolicited Press (Portland, Oregon). Her short story collection, Kissing a Tree Surgeon, was published by Guernica Editions (Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
Photo by Meghan Reynolds
Meghan Reynolds loves to take photos of almost everything ranging from landscapes to people and birds. She started her journey with photography around a year ago and is excited to have her first publication with The Metaworker.
**PLEASE NOTE: This artwork is copyright of the artist. If you wish to use their artwork, please contact them to obtain specific usage rights PRIOR to using their art, and always give proper attribution.**