Erik Satie and Me by Ken Been

you can’t measure dreams
how long they last
in your tonal bed
is the story line actually a one poke in the ribs amusement park yikes! that just
unzips in a mushroom cloud doorbell
a voila! who there circus
how long was that sound
or who cares
my biqui
we’ve apparently subtitled the chords
and have stopped using apostrophes
for nothing there or here is really possessed
or contracted
farewell to morning
farewell to night.

Ken Been’s poetry has been published or is forthcoming in numerous journals and anthologies. A sampling includes LIT Magazine, The Argyle Poetry Review, Stone Poetry Quarterly, October Hill Magazine, Arlington Literary Journal, The Headlight Review, Plainsongs, Poetica Magazine and Remembering Lawrence Ferlinghetti. He is from Detroit, which – in a quirk of geography – is north of its border with Canada.

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