Photo shot on iPhone 8 Plus.
Artist’s note: I was being taken on a tour of an old mine turned into nature preserve in the Charleroi region of Belgium. When I first visited there I was mesmerized by the local landscape and spoil tips from the coal mines. My father in law arranged for a friend of his to get me special access. I was shooting on a Canon DSLR but this photo from my iphone was a finalist. I was watching a tutorial in Lightroom which showed how to accomplish the colors and I applied that to this photo. It worked.
James Reade Venable was born in New York City. He lives and works there. Besides photography he is an actor and director. He is expecting a baby girl right before Christmas. James’ photography balances in all mediums, but has a strong lead in Steet, Travel, and Landscape genres. He got into photography 20 years ago and is self taught. He shoots with Canon, Nikon, Leica and iPhones.
**PLEASE NOTE: This artwork is copyright of the artist. If you wish to use their artwork, please contact them to obtain specific usage rights PRIOR to using their art, and always give proper attribution.**