Photo taken at home on July 18, 2022, 7pm. An image of uncooked rice noodles. Taken with an Apple iPhone 11 Pro, wide camera, 26mm, f 1.8, 1/60s Image desaturated; contrast increased.
Artist’s note: I am always on the lookout for small details, normally overlooked, that strike me as visually captivating, with abstract patterns often accentuated with desaturation and increased contrast. This open package of rice noodles caught my eye as dinner was being prepared.
David A. Goodrum, photographer/writer, lives in Corvallis, Oregon. His photography has graced the covers of several art and literature magazines, most recently Cirque Journal, Willows Wept Review, Blue Mesa Review, Ilanot Review, Red Rock Review, The Moving Force Journal, Snapdragon Journal, and appeared in many others. His artistic vision has always been to create a visual field that momentarily transports you away from hectic daily events and into a place that delights in an intimate view of the world. See additional work, both photos and poems, at
**PLEASE NOTE: This artwork is copyright of the artist. If you wish to use their artwork, please contact them to obtain specific usage rights PRIOR to using their art, and always give proper attribution.**