Whatever be the season,
perhaps you are the reason,
for the shadowed man whom
limps down the narrow lane.
With help of a burled cane, or
such unequivocal refrain within
the wispy glow of twilight dawn
I bare silent witness to the spark.
As the gauntlet was dropped on
the old dirt floor, I clenched it with
wrinkled hands in horror and saw
the light echo in a brackish sky.
Blink once for yes; twice for no,
thrice to answer within a fallowed
tear as your ears woefully bleed;
silently, muffled steps unheard as
butterflies flutter in a stellar haze.
Waltzing to the symphony of a super
nova’s sonnet, emblazoned insanity
perched on the rim of a black hole
whilst I blissfully rule the absence,
we beckon to occupy the present.
(Excerpt from Ken’s book, A Taint of Pity, 1/2018)
Ken Allan Dronsfield is a disabled veteran, poet and fabulist. His work has been published world-wide in various publication venues. His newest poetry collection, “A Taint of Pity; Life Poems Written with a Cracked Inflection” is now available from Amazon.com. Ken loves writing, thunderstorms, walking in the woods at night, spending time relaxing and playing with his cats Willa, Turbo, Hemi and Yumpy.